Climbing Ivy (Hedera helix)
Climbing Ivy belongs to the ivy family (Araliaceae) and is related to ginseng, among others. The evergreen climbing plant can grow up to 20 meters high and is native to western, central and southern Europe.
The active ingredients are found in ivy leaves. They contain triterpene saponins, flavonoids (cymaroside and cosmosyin), hederacoside C and B and alpha-hederin and volatile oils (pinocarvone, menthone and pulegone). The leaves also contain flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives and essential oil.
Triterpene saponins, especially alpha-hederin, stimulate the bronchial mucosa to produce thinner mucus. This makes it easier to expectorate the secretions. Alpha-hederin also relaxes the bronchial muscles and can therefore relieve spasms in the airways.
Possible uses
Due to their ingredients, ivy extracts are suitable for removing persistent mucus in the bronchial tubes, coughs and cramps in the bronchial muscles.
Important to know
Caution! All parts of the ivy plant are highly toxic to horses if unprocessed!